
US Mobile Users Will Top 250 Million In 2006, Says Strategy Analytics

US Mobile Users Will Top 250 Million In 2006, Says Strategy Analytics

By 2006, there will be nearly 250 million mobile subscribers in the United States, according to “US Cellular Market Forecast 2001 – 2006”, a report by Strategy Analytics. Handset purchases are forecast to top 154 million by this date and penetration is forecast to reach 50% of the population by 2002.

New equipment and services is forecast to lift mobile telephony out of the current global technologies slump. “Digital wireless, like embryonic industries before it, is evolving, and thus experiencing its share of growing pains” noted David Kerr, vice president of Wireless Services for Strategy Analytics. However, the market will be ripe with opportunity for those fortunate enough to read and respond to the trends unfolding in the marketplace”.

By 2006 Strategy Analytics expects voice service revenues to generate $85 billion whilst handset revenues are expected to top $14 billion.

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