
US Online Buyers To Increase Spending

US Online Buyers To Increase Spending

Internet spending in the US is set to increase by an average of more than 25% this year, according to a new report from eMarketer.

Average online expenditure fell last year but in its latest report, Retail Industry Online, eMarketer estimates that US internet users will increase their annual spending from an average of $866 in 2001 to $1,089 by the end of 2002.

The study also found that repeat purchasers account for an increasing proportion of online sales, and these customers tend to be spending more each time they buy online.

“With the number of online shoppers continuing to grow, US consumers are also spending more online, thereby creating a healthy prognosis for internet retailers across the board,” said Steve Butler, Senior Analyst at eMarketer. “One significant result is that online retailers’ customer acquisition costs are falling,” he concluded.

Average Annual Expenditure Online Among US Internet Users Who Buy Online 
Year  Spend ($)  % Change 
2000 969
2001 866 -20.6
2002F 1089 25.8
2003F 1249 14.7
2004F 1400 12.1
Source: eMarketer, September 2002 

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