
US online video viewing up 14%

US online video viewing up 14%


New US online video viewing research shows a 14.2% year on year increase in unique viewers to almost 136 million.

Total streams were up 31.4% to more than 11.2 billion in July, with average streams per viewer up 15.1% to 82.4, said The Nielsen Company.

Viewers spent an average of about 3.5 hours watching online video during the month, up 42.2% year on year.

US Online Video Viewers Metrics, July 2009
Jul-09 % Change YoY
Unique viewers (thousands) 135,977 14.2%
Total streams (thousands) 11,200,093 31.4%
Average streams per viewer 82.4 15.1%
Average time spent per viewer (minutes) 211.6 42.2%
Source: The Nielsen Company, “VideoCensus”
Note: includes progressive downloads and excludes video advertising

YouTube was the top site for watching video online, said Nielsen, with more than 7 billion streams and 104 million unique viewers.

eMarketer recently reported that US online video spending will account for 4.3% of total online ad spending and 1.6% of television ad spending this year.

By 2013, eMarketer estimates online video spending will account for 11% of online ad spending and 5.5% of TV ad spend.

At the start of August, The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life project revealed that 19% of US online adults use video-sharing sites on a typical day.

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