
US Upfronts Indicate Recovering Market

US Upfronts Indicate Recovering Market

Upfront television sales in the US indicate that the advertising market there is improving, according to an analysis of network figures by ABN Amro.

NBC has confirmed that it has sold all of its prime time inventory and has won forward commitments valued at $2.7 billion, up from $800 million in 2001, according to the broker. NBC offered 83% of its ad time in the upfront market, up from a percentage in the ‘high 70s’ last year, said analysts.

CBS, Fox and Warner are also saying that the upfront sales are going strong, whilst ABC is expected to see revenues decline, following a dip in audience share.

The Wall Street Journal predicts that the six networks will claim $8.1 billion of commitments – a $1.1 billion increase on last year.

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