
US Wireless Business Market Will Be Worth $16 Billion By 2006

US Wireless Business Market Will Be Worth $16 Billion By 2006

Cahners In-Stat says it expects the number of business wireless data users to grow from 6.6 million at the end of 2001 to more than 39 million in 2006. Although there is growth within the wireless consumer market, Cahners predicts that business use will continue to bring in the lion’s share of wireless revenue for the foreseeable future.

Cahners forecasts that increased numbers of business subscribers will result in improved service revenues to wireless data carriers with revenues derived from the US business market growing from $4 billion in year-end 2001, to more than $16 billion by year-end 2006.

Becky Diercks, director of wireless research says: “While there are many trends driving wireless data usage in corporations, including the increase in mobile workers and potential productivity gains, there continue to be many drawbacks. In a recent survey, IT respondents cited geographic coverage and reliability of connections as primary inhibitors to adoption.”

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