
US Women Lag Behind Men In At-Work Surfing

US Women Lag Behind Men In At-Work Surfing

Nielsen//NetRatings reports that in January 2002, nearly half of all US male web surfers (12.2 million men) were employed in professional, executive or managerial roles, versus just one third of all female surfers at work (5.5 million).

In addition, a disproportionate share of clerical or administrative workers who were online were women, accounting for 27% of all female web surfers at work, or nearly 4.5 million women. Just 3.5% of all male surfers, or 862,000 men, occupied clerical or administrative positions.

“Socio-cultural factors contribute to the gendered division of labour at work, with women clustered in clerical or administrative fields, while men dominate professional, executive or managerial positions,” said Dawn McCaffrey Brozek, senior internet analyst at NetRatings.

Occupation of Web Surfers According to Gender, Ranked by Female Composition% (US Work) 
Occupation % Females Unique Audience (000s) % Males Unique Audience (000s)
Professional 19.5 3,225 24.8 6,059
Executive or Managerial 13.5 2,228 25.0 6,123
Clerical or Administrative 27.2 4,499 3.5 862
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, 13 March 2002

“The occupational stratification by gender among surfers demonstrates that males may be heavier consumers of the Web in the workplace because of the type of jobs they perform,” added Brozek. “Even though both men and women have computer and Internet access at work, women trail in their use of Internet technology in the workplace and a digital divide between men and women still exists.”

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