
Use Of Rich Media Advertising Continues To Grow

Use Of Rich Media Advertising Continues To Grow

The amount of rich media advertising has increased more than 50% over the last year to account for well over 40% of all ads served globally by DoubleClick during the first quarter of this year.

The latest Trends report from the ad-serving company shows that rich media click-through rates continued the decline experienced during each quarter last year, dropping to an average of 0.98%, compared to 2.15% in the same period the previous year.

However, click-through rates for rich media were still significantly higher than those for non-rich media at 0.25%, suggesting the creative formats are more successful in engaging consumers. Average click through rates for all ads increased from 0.44% in the previous quarter to 0.56% in the three months to March.

The DoubleClick report shows that the standard banner still accounts for the largest portion of all online ads served. However, leaderboard ads, which often appear at the top of web-pages, grew by 1384% year on year to account for more than 8% of all ads served.

Leaderboard ads were found to have the highest click-through rate of all ads served during the last quarter at 0.86%, this was followed by square pop-ups (0.73%) and standard banners ads (0.35%). The number of ads used by online marketers remained extremely high at 10,631 different pixel sized formats.

Commenting on the report, Doug Knopper, vice president of online advertising at DoubleClick, said: “Click-throughs are being de-emphasised and we’re seeing more memorable ads that will have a latent impact on the user. Rich media, which has shown massive growth, promises to play a central role in these branding strategies.”

The popularity of rich media online advertising continues to grow as marketers adopt more creative ways of communicating with consumers. OMD UK recently embarked on a large-scale study into rich-media advertising and is planning to release the results next month (see OMD UK Promotes Rigby To New Group Research Role).

DoubleClick: 020 7399 4400 www.doubleclick.com

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