Value of mobile content to reach $18.6bn by 2017

A report from Transparency Market Research has predicted that the global market for mobile content will rise to a total value of $18.6 billion by 2017.
This means a compound annual growth rate of 19% per year from 2011 to 2017 – last year the market was valued at $6.5 billion.
Of the nearly $19 billion total, $11.4 billion will be comprised of mobile gaming, the largest sector.
Unsurprisingly, the US market was the largest for mobile content, constituting 30.3% of revenue: however, by 2017 it is expected that the US’ share will increase to 41%.
A similar growth is expected for mobile games, which comprised 53.3% (a total of $3.5 billion) in 2011 but will reach a share of 61.7% in 2017.
Despite the boost to gaming, revenue from mobile music and video is expected to fall due to the expansion of Cloud-based services.