
Viacom Lifts Lid On London Ad Exposures

Viacom Lifts Lid On London Ad Exposures

Viacom Outdoor Logo The average Londoner spends 40 hours a month consuming advertising, according to new research from Viacom Outdoor, which matches the number of advertising messages delivered by TV, radio, print and outdoor media with the amount of time consumers were likely to be exposed to the ads.

The results show consumers in London spending a staggering 292 million hours each month collectively consuming advertising, with individuals consuming marketing messages for almost 40 hours every four weeks, a total of 515 hours each year.

If a consumer in London lived to the age of 80, Viacom Outdoor claims, they would have spent 4.7 years of their life looking at or listening to ads.

The findings suggest that Londoners appreciate advertising, and will engage with marketing messages if they feel they are being targeted at the right time and in the right place.

According to research released by Viacom last year, 87% of Londoners prefer the Tube with ads and 73% prefer buses with advertising, while around 70% of consumers prefer newspapers, bus shelters and city streets with ads or billboard posters, while 60% are happy to see ads at the cinema (see Research Claims Ads Improve Bus and Tube Networks).

The company’s new study shows that, while TV and radio emerge as two of the most likely media though which Londoners are exposed to advertising, collectively poster sites across the capital and on London Transport are the most likely way consumers will spend time with advertising.

With an average wait of three minutes per journey on the London Underground, Londoners spend on average 4.6 hours a month reading posters opposite station platforms and a further 4 hours reading advertising panels inside Tube trains.

Steve Cox, strategic planning director at Viacom Outdoor explained: “Advertising in all its forms clearly plays a huge part in Londoner’s everyday lives and it’s also apparent that Londoners enjoy advertising which adds to the experience of living in a vibrant, interesting and colourful capital city.”

Viacom Outdoor: 020 7482 3000 www.viacom-outdoor.co.uk

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