
Viacom Signs Debut Advertiser For Special Build Globe

Viacom Signs Debut Advertiser For Special Build Globe

Viacom Globe Site Continental Airlines has become the first advertiser to use a special build site by Viacom Outdoor at London’s Bank tube station, signing up to use the “Bank Globe” as part of their brand building strategy.

The activity will see Continental Airlines capitalise on the site’s dominance of the main ticket hall at Bank, and the station’s highest profiling AB audience on the London Underground network.

The Bank Globe will be used to communicate the airline’s strengths as a business carrier, targeting business men and women using the main south interchange stations. The site promises high exposure to both existing Continental flyers and non-customers travelling to and from the Square Mile and financial districts.

In addition to its use of the Globe site, Continental will employ outdoor sites, print and taxi advertising to reinforce the campaign’s message.

Planning and buying for the campaign was handled by Starcom UK Group, with creative developed by SOUK Communications.

Welcoming Continental as the debut advertiser for its Bank site, Justin Stark, head of impact at Viacom Outdoor, said: “This new property offers advertisers unparalleled access to the elusive AB and city worker audience. The lack of major advertising in the Square Mile makes the launch of Bank ‘Globe’ an even more compelling advertising choice for brands wishing to captivate consumers on the move.”

Viacom: 020 7478 5240 www.viacom.co.uk

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