
Videology announces new platform release

Videology announces new platform release

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Videology has announced the launch of its ‘reengineered’ video advertising platform that will now bring together TV and digital buyers by allowing both programmatic guaranteed buying technology.

‘Descartes’ has been designed to find the optimal mix between reserved and non-reserved media ‘to drive optimal efficiency’ across computer, tablet and mobile devices for brand advertisers.

The redesigned platform will include real-time bidding, Nielsen OCR and comScore vCE demographic targeting options, contextual and domain targeting, and the ability to report campaign analysis through an interactive suite.

“The objectives of brand advertisers – television’s biggest spenders – have not changed, but video consumption patterns have. It’s imperative that advertising technology keeps pace with these changes,” said Scott Ferber, Chairman and CEO, Videology.

“By bridging planning and buying mechanisms of traditional media with those of digital, our platform allows brand advertisers to leverage the best of both to better achieve their desired results.”

Platform highlights include:

Redesigned User Interface with Improved Campaign Workflow
– Single view for all campaign actions
– Heads up display providing easy access to campaign level information

Real-time Bidding
– Cost transparency across public and private exchanges
– Ability to manage commission percentage
– Exchange level bid controls with forecasted metrics (win-rate, clearing price, avails, GRPs) based on max bid price

Nielsen Online Campaign Ratings (OCR) and comScore validated Campaign Essentials(vCE) Demographic Targeting Options
– Industry-leading solution to forecast and optimise RTB bids against a Nielsen OCR or comScore demographic composition percentage

Contextual Targeting
– Proprietary Xtract technology, based on a human-curated database of pages, as well as machine processing of page text and URL text
– Positive and negative targeting

Domain Targeting
– Ability to create custom site lists (white, black, other) across any buy exchange
– Functionality to upload whitelists and blacklists, as well as to make edits—including domain-level discovery

– Interactive reporting suite for campaign analysis
– Ability to build and export custom reports within the reporting interface

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