
Virgin Chief Calls For Single Source Planning Tool

Virgin Chief Calls For Single Source Planning Tool

Virgin Radio chief executive, John Pearson, is calling on agencies, advertisers and media owners to work together to create a single-source planning and buying tool for all broadcast media.

Pearson is proposing the creation of a Broadcast Futures Group that would bring the industry together to focus on a blueprint for the creation of a single, joint audience measurement system for radio, television and cinema.

Writing in today’s FT Creative Business, he explained: “The only criteria would be that its members are not on the current RAJAR or BARB boards, and that everyone share a passion to make a real difference, without getting bogged down by the short-term issues.”

Pearson said the creation of a single-source planning and buying tool would boost television sample sizes, giving small stations more robust data, while also solving some of the introduction-cost issues that radio will face in the coming years.

Electronic measurement has been the cause of much contention over recent months following the launch of Kelvin MacKenzie’s National Broadcast Survey, which uses a specially-enabled wristwatch device to measure both television and radio audiences.

MacKenzie claims his system provides a more accurate picture of radio listening. He is currently attempting to sue RAJAR over the alleged inaccuracy of its diary method and its decision not to replace it with a new electronic system (see MacKenzie To Claim £66 Million In Damages From RAJAR).

RAJAR remains committed to the introduction of an electronic trading currency and plans to embark on a second round of tests this summer at a cost of around £500,000. However, nothing will be introduced until RAJAR’s current ‘gold standard’ of measurement is met (see RAJAR Auditions New Electronic Audio Meters).

Pearson refuses to take sides in the ongoing debate, but criticises both parties for becoming bogged down in legal-wrangling and losing sight of their goals. He said: “Why don’t we all start to work together, before everyone forgets what we were fighting for in the first place.”

Last year the IPA revealed details of a wide-ranging research initiative intended to provide the industry with a single-source media survey. The industry body has been exploring a range of different proposals from a number of research agencies. A decision is expected shortly, with the research due to get underway in the second quarter of 2004 (see IPA Research Initiative Proposes Cross Media Survey).

Virgin Radio: 020 7434 1215 www.virginradio.co.uk

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