
Virgin Media results show 65,000 pre-registered for TiVo

Virgin Media results show 65,000 pre-registered for TiVo

Virgin Media logoVirgin Media has released its financial results for Q1 2011, with an across the board increase in revenues and huge interest in its next-generation TV offering.

65,000 people have pre-registered for its new TiVo set-top box which is now also available to new customers.

Virgin Media’s premium TV customers have increased by 22% over the period and HD penetration has increased to 41%.

Revenues increased by 5.7% to £982 million and Q1 cable ARPU3 was up 2.6% to £46.16.

Neil Berkett, Chief Executive Officer of Virgin Media, said: “This has been another solid quarter where we have maintained strong levels of revenue growth and generated substantial free cash flow. As more customers demand better connectivity, we have seen an increase in the take-up of faster broadband speeds and continued to improve the quality of our customer base.

“Alongside this, there has been strong early interest for our next generation home entertainment service, Virgin Media powered by TiVo, and we anticipate consumer demand for this will grow as we accelerate our roll-out. “

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