
Virgin Media TiVo subs reach 2 million

Virgin Media TiVo subs reach 2 million

Virgin Media has announced that it has sold its two millionth TiVo box in the UK, which made its debut just over three years ago.

Commenting on the milestone, Scott Kewley, Virgin Media’s director of digital entertainment, said that TiVo started a “revolution” in the way people watch and discover TV.

“By offering different ways to watch, with subscription and pay-per-view options, all integrated into a straightforward, intuitive experience, there’s an unrivalled world of great entertainment at our customers’ fingertips,” Kewley said.

TiVo allows customers to record up to three shows at the same time as watching an existing recording, while also having the option to pause and rewind live programming.

Virgin Media also revealed that 519 million TV shows were viewed on-demand through TiVo in 2013, while apps were loaded up 174 million times.

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