
VoD revenues to grow ‘150% by 2017’

VoD revenues to grow ‘150% by 2017’


Video on demand revenues are expected to increase by 150% by 2017, according to new research from IDATE.

Video on demand is gaining momentum compared to the physical video market – up 32% in the first quarter 2013 alone in the UK – with IDATE predicting that by 2017, VoD will account for 7% of the total video market value.

In 2017, IDATE reports that VoD revenue will reach €34 billion (£29.1 billion) and will continue to be the dominant model on managed networks, generating €6.6 billion (£5.64 billion), compared to €2.2 billion (£1.88 billion) for subscription VoD.

Global TV revenue is expected to rise from €358.3 billion (£306.2 billion) in 2012 to €483.9 billion (£413.5 billion) in 2017, while pay-TV revenue will grow by 22.7% in that same period, to reach just over €210 billion (£179.4 billion).

OTT video will continue to be the biggest earner, generating 74% of total revenue in 2017.

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