
Wallpaper* magazine gets augmented reality cover

Wallpaper* magazine gets augmented reality cover

Wallpaper* magazine January cover

Wallpaper* magazine will have an augmented reality cover on its January issue and a special feature enhanced with AR technology.

The IPC title has also joined forces with international brand and innovation consultancy Wolff Olins to reveal the 10 new developments that could change the world in 2010.

When readers hold the January cover in front of a webcam, the flat page image of graduate designer Jørund Blikstad’s ‘Wall Cubes’ shelving will be transformed into 3-D. Readers will be able to rotate and view the shelving from various angles by moving the magazine in front of their computer screen.

Wallpaper*‘s January issue also includes an 11-page feature using augmented reality. The feature, which reveals the trends of 2010, is enhanced on every page with AR technology, triggering both videos and animation.

The list of ten new developments – from augmented reality to waterproof sand – are the things that Wallpaper* and Wolff Olins are tipping to make an impact in 2010

Tony Chambers, Wallpaper* editor-in-chief, said: “This issue of Wallpaper* is all about the top trends and technologies for 2010, so we couldn’t resist having some fun with the mind-bending, pixel-popping, multimedia minefield that is augmented reality.”

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