
Web Retailers Must Reassure On Credit Card Security, Says CIM

Web Retailers Must Reassure On Credit Card Security, Says CIM

Convincing customers that online credit card use is safe from fraud is a key task for marketers if they are to entice consumers online during the New Year sales, says the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM).

The Institute says that shoppers see credit card fraud as a major problem when shopping online and that changing perceptions and attitudes is all about good marketing.

“Customers trust web sites when they trust the brand behind them. Preventing credit card fraud with solid security measures is already a top priority for businesses, but the real challenge is convincing customers that they really work. Unless you can prove to your customers that your systems are protecting them, they will go somewhere else that can. And that’s all about marketing a strong brand,” says CIM chairman Mike Johnston.

According to a DTI survey carried out in October 2002, fears about online credit card fraud had reduced year on year and over a quarter of the British public said they had bought goods on the web in the past year.

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