
Western European Consumers Ready For Mobile Marketing Growth

Western European Consumers Ready For Mobile Marketing Growth

One in ten mobile users in the Western European markets is highly interested in mobile marketing and another three in ten indicate moderate interest, according to new research from the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA).

The study surveyed 1,535 participants in the UK, Germany, Italy, France and Spain and provides insights into the region’s consumer mobile usage by demographic group and awareness.

15% of all consumers surveyed have had some experience with mobile marketing. Mobile phones are almost universal and most phones are equipped to receive mobile messages. More than half use text messaging at least weekly and 7 in 10 are familiar with the technology.

The inaugural Mobile Attitude and Usage Study found that the ability to send and receive SMS was at the top of the list for all age groups except teens, for whom it ranks second to camera functionality.

Across the Western European markets surveyed, seven in ten have experience with text messaging, with the most text-savvy consumers in Italy and Spain. Over half of all users surveyed use SMS at least weekly and 37% are daily users. Daily use is most common among 13 – 24 year olds.

Recent figures from Acision revealed that Global SMS traffic over the 2007/2008 New Year period increased by 30% compared to the same period last year (see Global SMS Traffic Up 30% Over New Year Period).

Interactive voting, receiving ads and product/service information are the most common applications of mobile marketing. 18 – 34 year olds have the highest rate of participation in mobile marketing efforts, said the MMA. However, age is not strongly predictive; interest levels are similar across ages 13 – 54.

Across all five markets surveyed, mobile coupons, status alerts about accounts/purchases and special sales have greatest appeal. Over half the users have increased data usage to some extent in the past year vs slightly under half reporting an increase in voice usage.

Richard Saggers, MMA EMEA chairman and head of mobile advertising, Vodafone Global Services, said: “This study confirms that mobile users in Western Europe already appreciate mobile marketing and have a desire to opt in to receive relevant product and services.

“These results indicate Italy and Spain are significantly advanced users of mobile, and already have the most experience with mobile marketing and are therefore more likely to participate. At least 60% in all age categories surveyed have experience with text messaging, indicating a big opportunity for marketers.”

Laura Marriott, president of the MMA, said: “Western Europe represents a significant opportunity for mobile marketers. One in three consumers surveyed indicated that their mobile phone is highly important to them and they are very dependent on it.

“With consumers acknowledging their mobile is always on them, brands need to begin integrating mobile into their marketing campaigns ASAP. Clearly, mobile is proving its potential value as a marketing tool.”

A forecast from mobile web company Bango said that mobile advertising is a huge opportunity with the potential to generate in excess of $10 billion in annual revenues by 2010 (see More People To Access Internet Via Mobile Than PC).

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