
Western Europeans More Willing To Pay For Online Content

Western Europeans More Willing To Pay For Online Content

Almost one fifth of internet users in western Europe are willing to pay for some online content, up from 16% a year ago, according to a Jupiter Research survey

The study revealed that reluctance to pay for downloadable content has fallen from 47% of users to 41%. Accordingly, western Europeans are predicted to spend €2.5 billion on digital content by 2007, up from €337 million in 2001.

High-speed internet users showed a greater inclination to purchase online content. For instance, a quarter of all respondents with broadband connections expressed an interest in buying music online, compared to just 18% of dial-up users. By the same token, 18% of broadband users said they would purchase video content but only 11% of narrowband users would follow suit.

“There has not been a dramatic shift in the minds of European Internet users when it comes to paying for online content, but rather a gradual change,” said Jupiter Research analyst Olivier Beauvillain. “The good news is that broadband appears to be the main driver behind this change – broadband Internet users are far more likely to pay for music, gaming and video content than dial-up users.”

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