In a survey issued today by MJP Carat International entitled “International Media in Perspective”,results show that British businessmen spend more time watching television than executives in any other European country.
German businessmen proved to be the greatest radio devotees and also rated highly in the magazine stakes, spending longer than any of their counterparts reading magazines and newspapers.
One of the main objectives of the survey was to analyse the relationship between individual English language international titles and the business men and women that read them. One of the questions in the study asks the individual which paper or magazine they would miss most if it was taken off the market. The Financial Times scored very highly in the survey but was out voted by National Geographic. Fortune magazine suffered badly, coming last on the list.
The survey was designed to compliment the two major quantitative pan-European surveys currently in use, the European Businessman Readership Survey and the Pan European Survey.
CELIA JONES: 071 381 8010