“What I’ve forgotten about bullsh*t, you haven’t learnt yet”

The cardinal sin of advertising was committed last night – when Lord Sugar’s would-bes tried to convince press director Dom Williams that he should pay rate card for launch issue ads. Well, in fact they didn’t try very hard – it seemed like they just stood there… intransigent in all senses… and bonkers! As usual.
Last night’s Apprentice episode featured a number of industry luminaries at Mediacom, Maxus and “Carrot”, as the two teams grappled with the task of creating their own free publication.
The show peaked at more than 7.5 million viewers (with 7.2 million average viewers watching for the full hour) – and that doesn’t count the special viewing going on at Maxus last night!
3.2 million viewers also tuned in to the after-show – You’re Fired – on BBC Two at 10pm. Claudine Collins (head of investment at Mediacom) popped out of the Ivy to give a highly accomplished performance alongside Jenny Eclair and Nick Hewer for the post-task analysis.
If you don’t want to know who was fired, stop reading now…
Glen’s dream of becoming the next Lord Sugar is over. “CatSize. See their lite” was surely the top takeaway moment of the series so far until last night… Hip Replacement!! I mean… seriously?!