
Wheatcroft Resigns As Sunday Telegraph Editor

Wheatcroft Resigns As Sunday Telegraph Editor

Patience Wheatcroft Sunday Telegraph editor Patience Wheatcroft has resigned after 18 months in the job, meaning that the paper has its fourth editor in just over two years.

Wheatcroft will be replaced by Ian MacGregor, deputy editor of the Daily Telegraph, who left his job as deputy editor of the London Evening Standard a year ago.

No reason was given for Wheatcroft’s departure, but it is believed that she is well respected at News International and rumours have it that she could take over as editor of the Times if the current incumbent, Robert Thomson, is spirited away to the editor’s seat at the Wall Street Journal.

In June, Wheatcroft oversaw a refresh of the Sunday Telegraph, giving it a new typeface and layout, although its content and structure remained the same (see New Look For Sunday Telegraph).

Murdoch MacLennan, Telegraph Media Group chief executive, said: “It is a year since our move to Victoria began. We are now clearly seeing the success of that strategy with strong circulation figures for our papers and record numbers of unique users to our website.

“Today’s editorial appointments will ensure we build on that success and maintain our position as the UK’s leading quality multimedia business.

“I’d like to thank Patience very much for her contribution to the Sunday Telegraph. We all wish her well for the future”.

As part of the reshuffle, Daily Telegraph editor Will Lewis becomes editor-in-chief of both titles, whilst Tony Gallagher, a former Associated Newspapers executive has been appointed deputy editor of the Daily Telegraph, taking over from MacGregor.

The latest ABC figures, for July 2007, show that the Sunday Telegraph had a total circulation of almost 636,700, having suffered a year on year drop of nearly 19,400 copies (see ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: July 2007).

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