Why is your OOH planned separately?
Gavin Wilson, chief revenue officer at VIOOH gives 10 reasons to bring digital OOH into the fold of planning, buying and optimising at a single point of purchase via the DSP
Programmatic DOOH is a relatively new way of trading media, but has advanced rapidly in recent years having emerged from a well-established and successful medium. It’s still in its infancy but has huge potential to deliver valuable results for brands.
Yet one of the biggest questions I’m still asking media agencies and demand side platforms (DSPs) is, ‘why are you planning OOH separately when clearly it should be a more integral part of your omni-channel campaign?’
With the proliferation of DSPs that have successfully utilised programmatic across one-to-one and one-to-many digital channels, now that the opportunity is there for this broadcast medium to also be bought in the same way, surely it’s a no-brainer?
Here are ten reasons why, I personally feel strongly that, it’s time to bring digital OOH into the fold of planning, buying and optimising at a single point of purchase via the DSP:
1. No media channel, in silo, is as valuable or has as great an appeal as when it’s planned as part of a joined strategic approach. From reinforcing messaging, selling across devices from mobile to OOH and back again, and increasing store footfall, the power of digital OOH can be harnessed to support and amplify the other media channels.
2. It’s much more convenient to include OOH in media plans and makes agency life easier. This is especially true if clients buy into the total proposition and understand how their budget is working intelligently across channels, or against audience groups at different stages in the engagement funnel. Surely that’s a win-win for everyone involved?
3.To unlock budgets for innovation or ‘testing and learning’, joining up the narrative is key. Rarely will CMOs release funds to trial a single media channel that sits outside the strategy. Keep OOH included so you can trial it and demonstrate its value in influencing the customer journey.
4.Consider campaign positioning and where programmatic OOH can sit in the engagement funnel. From a customer point of view, this media channel can fulfil multiple purposes, which include upper funnel, broadcast, awareness driving and influence, and all as part of a continual branding exercise.
Alternatively, programmatic OOH can have a mid-to-lower funnel value perhaps for the loyal or new customer, to remind them about great products and services, benefitting from measured uplift such as footfall in stores, etc. Check out our recent State of the Nation reports for deeper market insights – and look out for our new reports due later this year.
5. Planning audience groups on a multi-channel basis is now easier than ever via most DSPs’ audience planning or proximity planning tools. There’s a lot of third-party data out there that can help drive precision and granularity, so why not take advantage of this data to optimise your campaign via digital OOH?
6. By joining up the dots from the customer’s mobile device IDs to the latitude and longitude (the coordinates of the specific frame that the campaign is displayed on) currency of out of home, you can create specific campaigns against each, and benefit from these strong audience-led campaigns.
7. Again, by joining up the proximity of users via mobile device IDs to digital OOH frames in proximity to services (e.g. near to supermarkets, stores, hospitals etc), you can target different types of audiences with specific and relevant messages, and adapt them in real time.
8. Maximising creative alignments across different media channels gives media planners the ability to adapt creative to data, for example through trigger led buying or data-driven creative.
A great recent example is Renault ZOE, a campaign that demonstrates the power of using real-time air pollution data to programmatically display pollution levels around the cities of Brussels and Liѐge.
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This campaign led to a 144% increase in Google searches for the term “ZOE”. The campaign was 26x more efficient in delivery and relevance, and the campaign gained 37x more relevance when it was displayed, eliminating wastage by not being shown when the air quality was not poor enough to trigger the ads.
As this shows, adaptability is key if you want your customers to have one, seamless, multi-channel experience of your brand.
9. Programmatic OOH is simple to plan, execute and deliver against. It has limited barriers to entry and is easy to adjust, pause and adapt in real-time (within one hour).
An example is Auto.NL, a campaign which extolled the benefits of purchasing a car rather than travelling on public transport.
It used the VIOOH programmatic platform to target audiences through digital OOH screens around busy metro stations in Amsterdam specifically at peak times of the day.
Viewers were then directed to an interactive DOOH screen where they were able to purchase a car directly.
Working with media monitoring company, Clipit Auto.nl estimated the media value of the campaign at €27,000 and generated an estimated €200,000 value through PR coverage.
To break it down simply, every Euro spent became worth 11 times more.
10. Finally, digital out of home is the only truly transparent and visible media channel. It offers full end-to-end planning capability with no red tape, hidden margins or confusion. It’s also incredibly easy to add to an existing media plan.
Programmatically traded DOOH is now a serious contender for ad spend – and it’s never been easier to plan, trade, activate and optimise within an advertiser’s overall campaign.
So perhaps the real question to ask is – why aren’t you taking full advantage of this impactful digital media channel?