
Wireless Email To Benefit Productivity

Wireless Email To Benefit Productivity

Wireless email has boosted the amount of time that employees can put into their work and its effect will become increasingly obvious in the next few years, according to a new study from The Radicati Group.

The report claims that despite the shaky economy and relatively unstable carrier networks, almost 2 million business professionals will be using enterprise wireless email by the end of 2003.

Growth in the number of wireless email users will be driven by an influx of accessible multi-functional mobile devices and the falling price of servers and solutions.

Industry leaders have every reason to back the growth of wireless email as it has been shown that employees who use the platform put in an extra 55 minutes of work per day. This is set to rise to 80 minutes by end of 2007.

“There is very little that can make up for wasted time,” said Sara Radicati, president and chief executive of the Radicati Group. “In a world where time is of the essence, and an increasing number of tasks are mission-critical, wireless email and other soon-to-come applications will pave the way for a truly global mobile business landscape.”

Wireless email vendors will also prosper with revenues predicted to grow from $228 million this year to $812 million by 2007, according to the report.

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