
Women’s Monthly Sector Continues Decline, As Two Thirds Of Titles See Falls

Women’s Monthly Sector Continues Decline, As Two Thirds Of Titles See Falls

The women’s monthly magazine sector dropped once again during the six month period to December 2000, but at 2% the fall was less severe than the preceding period. Around two-thirds of titles saw year on year decreases in circulation. The worst hit was Attic Futura’s health title Shine which saw its second severe drop in a year, falling 17.4%. In the older women’s market, which saw Aura no sooner appear than disappear (see Fate Of Aura Still In Balance As Buyer Yet To Be Found) Woman’s Journal fell 14.8% and Red 14%.

During the last reporting period Candis stole a reach on Cosmopolitan for the lead position in the sector (see Women’s Monthly Titles Take Another Tumble). This time, although both dropped- Cosmopolitan by 10,000 or 2.2% to 460,086 and Candis by 2,000 to 448,331, the Natmags young women’s title was back in the top spot.

The best increase in terms of actual change was seen at another Natmags title, Company, which added just under 18,500 or 7.6% to reach 260,646. It was a title with a smaller circulation, Vanity Fair, which showed the largest increase in terms of percentage change, however, jumping 8% in a year on year analysis. Vanity Fair’s actual circulation remains at the lower end of the scale at 82,185. The lowest position of all in terms of actual circulation is currently occupied by IPC Media’s new fashion title Nova (see First Issue Review: Nova: The Fashion Magazine Reborn?) whose first reporting period revealed a figure of 75,142, placing it among the niche high society titles including Vanity Fair, with Harpers & Queen and Tatler.

Women’s Monthly ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Publisher Jul 99 – Dec 99 Jul 00 – Dec 00 Actual Change % Ch
19 IPC Media 126,606 133,890 7,284 5.8
B Attic Futura 223,532 216,620 -6,912 -3.1
Candis Newhall Publications 450,443 448,331 -2,112 -0.5
Company National Magazine Company 242,180 260,646 18,466 7.6
Cosmopolitan National Magazine Company 470,280 460,086 -10,194 -2.2
Elle Emap 210,076 224,355 14,279 6.8
Essentials IPC Media 262,269 234,727 -27,542 -10.5
Good Housekeeping National Magazine Company 400,094 404,476 4,382 1.1
Harpers & Queen National Magazine Company 90,101 87,495 -2,606 -2.9
Looks Emap 137,091 132,032 -5,059 -3.7
Marie Claire IPC Media 450,213 400,543 -49,670 -11.0
New Woman Emap 276,285 281,828 5,543 2.0
Nova IPC Media n/a 75,142 n/a n/a
Prima National Magazine Company 421,412 395,164 -26,248 -6.2
Red Emap 180,403 155,083 -25,320 -14.0
She National Magazine Company 226,086 213,216 -12,870 -5.7
Shine Attic Futura 103347 85,389 -17,958 -17.4
Tatler Conde Nast Publications 85,185 82,071 -3,114 -3.7
Vanity Fair Conde Nast Publications 76,088 82,185 6,097 8.0
Vogue Conde Nast Publications 202,668 202,694 26 0.0
Woman & Home IPC Media 295,225 269,401 -25,824 -8.7
Womans Journal IPC Media 133,407 113,719 -19,688 -14.8
Zest National Magazine Company 117,244 119,089 1,845 1.6
Total   5,180,235 5,078,182 -102,053 -2.0

This six month period saw Natmags consolidate its leading position in terms of market share of the sector, with the completed acquisition of Gruner + Jahr (see NatMags Grabs Gruner and Jahr). The integration of Prima into the Natmags portfolio brought the publisher’s share to just over 38%, well ahead of closet rival IPC Media with 24%.

At the end of the last reporting period, Natmags was all set to extend its print success into the online arena with the launch of a women’s portal. The marked confidence slide in all things web-related which occurred in the months following has prompted hasty back-pedalling by Natmags. The project has now been put “on ice” in favour of more concentration on “old” media (see Natmags Gets Cold Feet, Puts Women’s Website On Ice).

Womens Monthly Magazines Market Share By Publishing Company
Publishing Company Jul 00 – Dec 00
Attic Futura 302,009 5.95
Conde Nast Publications Ltd 366,950 7.23
Emap 793,298 15.62
IPC Media 1,227,422 24.17
National Magazine Company Limited 1,940,172 38.21
Newhall Publications Ltd 448,331 8.83
Total 5,078,182 100.00

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