
Worldwide Adspend Expected To Rise 7% to $479 billion In 2008

Worldwide Adspend Expected To Rise 7% to $479 billion In 2008

A new forecast from GroupM predicts that advertising spending in US measured media will show an almost 4% year on year increase in 2008.

Worldwide spending is expected to rise 7% to $479 billion in 2008 following an anticipated 6% increase in 2007.

US advertising spending, meanwhile, is expected to show a 3.7% increase to $168.6 billion in 2008.

Next year’s spending expectations largely reflect the Olympics and the US election, with GroupM anticipating that the Games will bring $1 billion in ad spending to national TV and $200-$300 million to local broadcast.

The election is even more important to local broadcast and is expected to inject nearly $2 billion in 2008 before facing a tough adjustment in 2009.

Internet ad spending is expected to exceed 10% of global ad investment in 2008 for the first time ever, and search will comprise 65%-70% measured online advertising in 2008, up from 50% in 2005. Another first, in one country – Sweden – online advertising is expected to be the largest single medium. The UK and Denmark are likely to be the next in line.

“The main geographic contributors to growth next year are predicted to be China, with 21% of all new money, and Russia and Brazil with each contributing six percent,” said GroupM futures director Adam Smith.

He added that India will account for three percent and the US remains the second-highest contributor at 20 percent. “This eastward shift is a form of ‘advertising arbitrage’ in which traditional media dollars are moving to the place where they can do the most good,” Smith said.

Global Ad Forecast, 2006-2008 
Media USD, m 2006 2007f 2008f
North America 169,029 174,116 180,961
yoy% 5% 3% 4%
Latin America 14,379 16,586 19,287
yoy% 19% 15% 16%
Western Europe 116,360 121,979 127,171
yoy% 5% 5% 4%
Emerging Europe 17,110 20,559 24,227
yoy% 23% 20% 18%
Asia-Pacific (All) 96,713 104,370 114,828
yoy% 6% 8% 10%
North Asia 32,810 37,087 44,022
yoy% 12% 13% 19%
Asian 7,999 8,715 9,529
yoy% 8% 9% 9%
Middle East & Africa 9,630 10,982 12,417
yoy% 15% 14% 13%
World 423,222 448,592 478,891
yoy% 7% 6% 7%
Source: GroupM

ZenithOptimedia recently predicted that global ad expenditure will grow 6.7% in 2008, up from 5.3% this year, thanks to the Olympic Games, elections in the US and European football (see Global Ad Market To Grow In 2008).

The media planning and buying agency also predicted that by 2010 the internet will overtake magazines to become the world’s third largest advertising medium.

The latest IPA Bellwether report, for the third quarter of the year, predicted that marketing spend will record its strongest growth ever this year, with online marketing now accounting for 6% of all spending (see Bellwether Q3 2007: Marketing Spend To Record Strongest Ever Growth).

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