
Worldwide B2B E-Commerce Revenue Forecasts Comparisons

Worldwide B2B E-Commerce Revenue Forecasts Comparisons

Business to business (B2B) e-commerce revenues worldwide will reach $2,367 billion by 2004, according to forecasts from eMarketer.

The online research company has aggregated a number of forecasts for worldwide B2B revenues, which are shown here. Averaged, the industry is forecast to be valued at $3,608 billion by 2004 and $5,866 billion by 2005.
B2B e-commerce worldwide revenue forecasts ($bn) 
  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005 
eMarketer 278 474 823 1,409 2,367
AMR Research 371 704 1,375 2,262 3,350 4,739
Computer Economics 3,068 5,232 6,815 9,907
Forrester Research 604 1,138 2,061 3,694 6,335
IDC 282 516 917 1,573 2,655 4,329
Gartner Group 433 919 1,929 3,632 5,950 8,530
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter 200 721 1,378
Goldman Sachs 357 740 1,304 2,088 3,201
Ovum 218 345 543 858 1,400
Average  646  1,199  1,905  3,178  3,608  5,866 
Source: eMarketer, AMR, IDC, Gartner, 2001; various, as above, 2000 (compiled by eMarketer 2002) 

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