
Yahoo! Launches YouTube Challenger

Yahoo! Launches YouTube Challenger

Yahoo! Logo Yahoo! has launched its own YouTube style video site which lets users upload, watch and search for videos.

Yahoo! says that the site has more content than other video websites because it trawls the web, accepts uploads and receives direct feeds. It will also include videos that Yahoo! already hosts on its music, news, sports film and TV channels.

As well as watching videos, Yahoo! is encouraging the community aspect, allowing users to rate, review and share videos, as well as compile their own list of favourites. Content can be shared via Yahoo! Messenger and email.

Jeff Revoy, vice-president and European director of Yahoo! Search and Local Search, said: “As the video space continues to emerge and become increasingly popular, our strengths in social search, content, personalisation and community make it possible for Yahoo! to offer a highly engaging video experience for both users and publishers.”

Yahoo!: 020 7808 4200 www.yahoo.co.uk

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