
Youngsters Want Free Mobile Content

Youngsters Want Free Mobile Content

3G Phone Young consumers are growing up believing that mobile content should be free, according to new research from NMA.

The study of 1,500 children aged 6-13 years old found that the tween generation are avid consumers of mobile data like mobile internet browsing and mobile video, although they are reluctant to pay for content.

Almost a third, 29%, said they shared music via Bluetooth rather than paying for it, whilst nearly half (45%) of those who didn’t said they wanted to.

Jon Davis, director of new media at Sony BMG, said: “It depends whether you view this in a half full or half empty glass perspective. The results demonstrate a strong appetite for music and, as content owners, we need to provide access to music so that fans can enjoy it.”

The research also found that 29% used of youngsters accessed the internet on their phone once a month, 10% once a week and 7% once a day. 24% of those who didn’t go on the internet said it was because it was too expensive.

Mobile Data Association chairman Mike Short, said: “The 29% figure tells me that more education is needed, from manufacturers, operators and content providers, to get this even higher, as the 6 to 13 year-old group is a natural segment for growth.”

NMA:: www.nma.co.uk/

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