
YouTube ‘Most Popular Social Media Site’

YouTube ‘Most Popular Social Media Site’

Online The new release of UK data for April 2008 from Nielsen Online reveals that YouTube remains the star of the social media scene, being the most popular site for the seventh consecutive month.

Facebook becomes only the second social media brand to pass 10 million unique visitors in a single month, according to Nielsen. YouTube passed this milestone for the first time in November 2007.

Compared to April 2007, Slide (8th) and WordPress (10th) are new entrants at the expense of Google Video (dropping from 8th to 20th) and Friends Reunited (dropping from 10th to 14th).

However, according to the latest comScore figures, Facebook is the most popular social networking site in the UK following a 7.2% rise in unique users from March to April (see NewsLine).

The most popular social media sites in the UK: April 2008
Rank Social Media Site Unique Audience Apr 08 (millions) YOY Change Apr 07 – Apr 08 Last Quarter Change
1 YouTube 11.6 46% 11%
2 Facebook 10.2 277% 19%
3 Wikipedia 8.9 9% -7%
4 Blogger 5.2 30% 1%
5 MySpace 4.7 -31% -6%
6 Bebo 4.5 25% 9%
7 Yahoo! Answers 3.5 51% 5%
8 Slide 2.7 108% -19%
9 Windows Live Spaces 2.5 -8% -21%
10 WordPress 2 128% 1%
Source: Nielsen Online, UK home and work data, April 2007 – April 2008

Alex Burmaster, European internet analyst, Nielsen Online, said: “Although social media is the undoubted web phenomenon of the moment, the leading players cannot afford to rest on their laurels. The space remains extremely competitive and the most popular sites have experienced contrasting fortunes over the last year and the last quarter.

“Social media consumers are ‘the fast and the curious’, always looking for, and moving to, the next social media service that can meet the need to organise and showcase their lives and interests more effectively.”

Nielsen Online: www.nielsen-online.com

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