
YouTube trials video downloads

YouTube trials video downloads

YouTube YouTube is trialing a service which allows users to download free and paid-for videos.

The Google-owned site has partnered with US universities including Stanford, Duke and UC Berkeley, as well as non-profit educational organisation Khan Academy, how-to videos site Household Hacker and entertainment site Pogobat.

Thai Tran, YouTube product manager, said that the company is “testing an option that gives video owners the ability to permit downloading of their videos from YouTube. Partners could choose to offer their video downloads for free or for a small fee paid through Google Checkout.”

He added: “Many video creators on YouTube want their work to be seen far and wide. They don’t mind sharing their work, provided they get the proper credit.”

Content partners will be allowed to choose to offer their video downloads for free or for a small fee, paid through Google’s e-commerce platform Google Checkout.

Google acquired YouTube in 2006 for $1.65 billion (£884 million) (see NewsLine), however since then it has had difficulties successfully monetising the property.

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