
YouView – in time for the Olympics or not?

YouView – in time for the Olympics or not?


The ongoing speculation on whether YouView will launch in time for the Olympics continues.

The delay struck product was originally due for release last summer, but the bureaucratic red-tape of trying to please all the stakeholders has slowed the product up immensely, with many analysts suggesting that the product has missed the boat in light of other technology which has launched over the past year.

Speaking to the Financial Times, and reported in Rapid TV News, Ian Maude, analyst at leading TV researcher Enders, said: “The justification for YouView is looking weaker by the day. The bottom line is: when is the box going to be available to the public and at what price level?”

However, it is MediaTel Group’s understanding that there will be a YouView product available in time for the Olympics, but that the full product may not be released until early 2013.

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