
YuMe targets households with new technology

YuMe targets households with new technology

YuMe has unveiled a new “multi-screen targeting” technology that aims to help brand advertisers reach all members of the home via video advertising.

The new technology delivers “in-stream, interactive video ads at scale” across any connected screens in a household, while also allowing YuMe to customise video creative and format it for any device ensuring cross-screen compatibility.

“Media viewing in the household is increasingly fragmented across screens, multi-device targeting increases the probability of getting your brand message in front of the right audience,” said Owen Hanks, Europe’s general manager at YuMe.

“With this precise solution for the household, brand marketers can now reach people who live together and have influence on a purchase decision.”

YuMe’s household targeting also enables retargeting to reach members of the household even when out of the home. Once household devices are identified, the technology can continue to deliver advertising messages to each viewer’s device wherever there is a wi-fi or network connection.

Kristin Brewe, director of marketing and communications for the Internet Advertising Bureau, said: “Surrounded by smartphones, laptops, tablets and TV screens, today’s consumer would seem easier to reach, but in fact, reaching those on-the-go, always-on consumers represents a daunting challenge for brands.

“It can be particularly difficult to ensure message consistency across screens. As devices become more interconnected, there will be growing demand for household targeting solutions such as YuMe’s that help advertisers reach people wherever they are on whichever screen is central to them at that moment.”

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