
Zenith Forecasts

Zenith Forecasts

Global advertising expenditure across the five major media (press, TV, radio, cinema and outdoor) is forecast to be $210bn in 1991, with the ten largest countries accounting for 85% of this expenditure, according to the latest Advertising Expenditure Forecasts from Zenith.

This level of expenditure is expected to grow by 20% to $253bn by 1994, whilst total expenditure (including direct mail and sales promotion) is forecast at $285.6bn in 1991, growing to $341bn by 1994.

However, expenditure will fall by almost 3% in real terms in 1991. There are signs that recovery will come in 1992, but growth in the world market will still be less than 1% in real terms.

The European market will fall by 2% in real terms in 1991, with Finland, the UK and the Netherlands showing the biggest declines, suffering falls in expenditure of 13.1%, 11.0% and 7.7% respectively in 1991.

Television remains the engine of European growth. Expenditure on TV will rise by 60% between 1990 and 1994, reaching over $26bn. TV will take a 30% share of major expenditure, compared to 15% in 1980. Germany will remain Europe’s largest market throughout the period of the forecast, despite a small downgrading of Zenith’s growth estimate.

The top five countries will account for 71% of major media advertising expenditure in 1991. This figure will fall to 68% by 1993, demonstrating the emergence of new forces in the global market.

The report is available from Zenith for £150: 071 224 8500

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