
Zenith Sees Signs Of Recovery In Ad Market

Zenith Sees Signs Of Recovery In Ad Market

Stronger than expected activity in the US and a slight upturn in Europe has prompted ZenithOptimedia to raise its full year forecast for global advertising expenditure. However, the revision was small and the outlook is for modest growth moving into 2004.

Analysts estimate that the ad market will grow to the tune of 3.2% this year (1.0% in constant prices). This is an improvement on the June forecast of 2.9% (1.0%) (see Worldwide Advertising Forecasts From ZenithOptimedia). As a result, total spending is predicted to be in the region of $325 billion.

However, despite rising confidence in the advertising industry, growth is not expected to exceed 5% next year with the major markets slowing to around 4% in 2005.

Worldwide Advertising Expenditure By Region ($ million) 
  2002  2003  2004  2005 
North America 149,627 153,761 160,844 166,965
of which: USA 144,388 148,325 155,240 161,224
Canada 5,239 5,436 5,604 5,741
Europe 76,670 78,278 81,333 84,489
within which: France 9,031 9,128 9,383 9,664
Germany 16,973 17,221 17,690 18,354
Italy 7,074 7,043 7,251 7,510
Spain 5,083 5,118 5,324 5,540
UK 15,215 15,288 15,781 16,233
Asia-Pacific 61,934 64,467 67,570 71,458
within which: Japan 33,516 33,775 34,297 34,939
Latin America 16,085 16,208 16,750 17,515
Rest of World 11,169 12,273 13,641 15,054
Major media total  315,484  324,986  340,138  355,482 
Source: Zenith Optimedia, September 2003 
World Advertising Growth Forecasts 
  2002 v 2001  2003 v 2002  2004 v 2003  2005 v 2004 
  Current prices  Constant prices  Current prices  Constant prices  Current prices  Constant prices  Current prices  Constant prices 
North America 2.1 0.3 3.2 1.1 4.9 3.6 4.0 2.6
of which: USA 2.0 0.4 3.2 1.0 5.0 3.7 4.0 2.7
Canada 4.1 1.8 3.8 0.9 3.1 1.6 2.4 0.6
Europe -0.3 -2.2 2.1 -0.1 3.9 2.2 3.9 2.1
of which: France -1.4 -3.3 1.1 -0.8 2.8 1.8 3.0 1.8
Germany -4.1 -5.3 1.5 0.8 2.7 2.8 3.8 3.5
Italy -3.5 -5.5 -0.4 -3.0 3.0 1.1 3.6 1.5
Spain -1.2 -4.1 0.7 -2.4 4.0 2.0 4.1 1.8
UK 0.1 -1.4 0.5 -2.4 3.2 0.8 2.9 0.4
Asia-Pacific 1.0 1.0 4.1 3.6 4.8 4.2 5.8 5.0
within which: Japan -6.8 -5.9 0.8 1.3 1.5 2.4 1.9 2.7
Latin America -12.0 0.8 3.3 4.6
Rest of World 18.4 9.9 11.2 10.4
Major media total 1.0 -0.2 3.2 1.3 4.8 3.4 4.6 3.0
Source: ZenithOptimedia, June 2003 

Region by region Zenith anticipated that the US economy would pick up in July and August but has still seen fit to lift its 2003 advertising growth forecast from 2.8% to 3.2%. This is on the back of a rise in spot TV advertising (see Advertisers Switching Back To Spot TV) and the agency is upbeat about the prospects for magazines and outdoor. The presidential election will be an effective stimulus for most media in 2004.

Europe is performing better than expected with ad revenues likely to be up by around 2.1% this year. Germany is the first of the major economies to upgrade 2003 (-0.9% to +1.5%) but this is seen as temporary and depresses 2004 growth. France, Spain and Italy have slightly downgraded with press seen as particularly weak.

The UK remains a lacklustre market with total spending barely above 2001 levels. Press shows no improvement but demand for outdoor is up and full year growth of 8% is envisaged. The same cannot be said for television advertising but Zenith is confident that the European Championships will drive revenues up 4% in 2004.

After a marked decline in 2002, adspend is on the rise in Japan this year and is expected to contribute to a 4.1% increase in Asia-Pacific as a whole.

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