
Zenith UK TV Forecast To 2003

Zenith UK TV Forecast To 2003

Zenith has issued the April edition of its quarterly “UK Television Forecasts to 2003”.

Among the key points made in the report are:

  • The UK economy is expected to grow in real terms by almost 1% this year; total expenditure by 1.4% and TV advertising revenues by 2.9%
  • Channel 4 is expected to take £306m in advertising revenue this year – 17% of total terrestrial advertising revenues
  • ITV Network revenues are expected to stand at £1,437m for 1993 and to fall in real terms every year between 1995 and 2000
  • Channel 5 is expected to launch in 1996
  • GMTV is forecast to attract £60m in advertising revenue for 1993
  • Satellite penetration of homes is expected to reach 17% by the end of this year, 40% by 1997 and 53% by 2003. £75m is forecast to be spent in advertising on satellite channels this year
  • BBC is forecast to lose total TV viewing from 44% to 41% in 1993
1992 v Curr 1991 Const 1993 v Curr 1992 Const
ITV/Channel 4 4.5 0.8 5.1 2.8
TV-am/GMTV -12.7 -15.8 -17.8 -19.6
Satellite 31 26.3 36.4 33.4
TOTAL 4.3 0.6 5.1 2.9
1994 v Curr 1993 Const
ITV 5.5 1.4
Channel 4 5.1 1.1
TV-am/GMTV 6.7 2.6
Satellite 46.7 41
TOTAL 7.1 3

Copies of the report can be obtained from Frank Harrison, Zenith Media at a cost of £200 per qtr.

Telephone: 071 224 8500

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