
ZenithOptimedia Lowers Global Adspend Forecast

ZenithOptimedia Lowers Global Adspend Forecast

ZenithOptimedia forecasts that global adspend will grow 4.3% in 2008, down from its previous forecast of 6.6% from June this year, as the worldwide financial crisis hits the sector.

World adspend growth for 2009 has also been downgraded, from 6% to 4%, with developed markets hardest hit by the reduced liquidity in the financial markets: growth forecasts for 2008 and 2009 cut by half in North America and Western Europe.

Developing markets are forecast to contribute 65% of ad expenditure growth between 2007 and 2010, and increase their share of the global ad market from 28% to 32%.

Internet advertising is still growing 23% a year and is forecast to account for 13.8% of world adspend in 2010.

The latest figures from the Internet Advertising Bureau show that UK internet advertising expenditure grew to £1.68 million in the first half of 2008, a 21% year-on-year like-for-like increase (see Internet Advertising Spend Up 21%).

Advertising Expenditure By Region 
Major media (newspapers, magazines, television, radio, cinema, outdoor, internet) US$ million, current prices. Currency conversion at 2007 average rates.
  2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
North America 183,417 188,300 191,639 193,365 200,810
Western Europe 113,449 119,922 121,846 125,062 130,490
Asia Pacific 94,758 101,939 108,693 114,398 122,121
Central & Eastern Europe 25,843 31,629 36,463 41,097 46,169
Latin America 22,701 26,406 29,058 31,876 34,911
Africa/M East/ROW 14,043 17,258 18,657 20,815 23,974
World 454,211 485,454 506,356 526,614 558,475
Source: ZenithOptimedia
Major Media (Newspapers, magazines, television, radio, cinema, outdoor, internet) Year on year % change 
  2006 v 05 2007 v 06 2008 v 07 2009 v 08 2010 v 09
North America 5.3 2.7 1.8 0.9 3.9
of which USA 5.2 2.5 1.6 0.7 3.8
Western Europe 5.6 5.7 1.6 2.6 4.3
Asia Pacific 6.7 7.6 6.6 5.2 6.8
Central & Eastern Europe 18.6 22.4 15.3 12.7 12.3
Latin America 14.9 16.3 10.0 9.7 9.5
Africa/m East/ROW 26.8 22.9 8.1 11.6 15.2
World 7.3 6.9 4.3 4.0 6.1
Source: ZenithOptimedia

Zenith said that unlike in the periods leading up to the last two ad downturns, advertisers have not been increasing their budgets ahead of economic growth over the last few years.

In the years preceding the downturns of 1990 and 2000, ad expenditure grew well ahead of the general economy, rising as a proportion of GDP and peaking at 1.07% in 1989 and 1.05% in 2000. This left the ad market vulnerable to sharp corrections when the economy slowed.

In recent years, however, ad expenditure has roughly tracked the economy, and has remained at 0.92%-0.93% of GDP. There is no bubble in ad expenditure to burst, which is why Zenith expects global ad expenditure to slow in 2008 and 2009 rather than to go into reverse.

Zenith predicts that developing markets will contribute 65% of new ad expenditure between 2007 and 2010. Over that period the proportion of global ad expenditure going to developing markets will rise from 28% to 32%.

By 2010 Russia and Brazil are expected to be top-ten ad markets – sixth and eighth largest respectively, up from 13th and 11th in 2007 – pushing Spain and Australia out of the ranking.

Global Advertising Expenditure By Medium 
US$ million, current prices. Currency conversion at 2007 average rates.
  2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Newspapers 127,473 130,032 128,277 127,217 128,444
Magazines 56,040 57,920 58,433 59,407 61,279
Television 168,355 179,268 187,496 193,854 203,770
Radio 36,990 38,391 39,469 40,033 41,324
Cinema 2,031 2,265 2,458 2,664 2,910
Outdoor 28,048 31,050 33,132 35,117 37,752
Internet 30,404 41,038 51,054 61,729 75,803
Total* 449,341 479,964 500,319 520,021 551,283
Source: ZenithOptimedia          
*The totals here are lower than the totals in the ‘Advertising Expenditure by Region’ table since that table includes total adspend figures for a few countries for which spend is not itemised by medium

In July, Magna forecast that worldwide advertising spending will rise 4.4% this year, with the UK expected to see 3% growth (see Global Adspend To Grow 4.4% This Year).

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