
10% Of Homes Worldwide Will Be Digital By The End Of The Year, says Informa

10% Of Homes Worldwide Will Be Digital By The End Of The Year, says Informa

By the end of 2002 10% of the world’s homes, almost 100 million households, will be receiving digital signals according to a new report Global Digital Television from Informa Media Group. This represents almost twice as many homes as in 2000 and by 2010, 548 million digital homes, 53% of the world’s total TV households, will have digital.

Split of TV Households by Delivery System in 2010 (%) 
  Digital Terr.  Digital Cable  Digital Satellite  DSL Ent.  Analogue 
Asia Pacific 17 23 4 2 54
Europe 10 27 11 5 47
Latin America 18 13 7 2 60
North America 1 73 21 4 1
Total 13 29 8 3 47
Source: Informa Media Group

Cable access method for digital TV households, serving 300 million homes by 2010. DTT will be the next most with 80 million DTH homes and 32 million households receiving DSL entertainment signals. 477 million homes will still take analogue signals suggesting digital growth is likely to extend beyond 2010.

Digital TV Homes as a % of TV Households 
  2001 2002 2005 2010
Asia Pacific 2 3 15 46
Europe 11 14 27 53
Latin America 5 6 15 39
North America 30 39 65 99
Total 8 10 24 53
Source: Informa Media Group, March 2002

North America is expected to account for 46% of the world’s digital TV households by the end of 2002. This proportion is set to halve by 2010 taking it to the same level as Europe. Asia will become the dominant continent by 2010, accounting for 47% of the total in 2010

Informa forecasts that the US will have 42 million digital households by the end of 2002, a year on year increase of 10 million. Despite the US adding 70 million more digital homes by 2010, it will drop to second place behind China, which will have 153 million digital homes – or 28% of the world’s total – by this time.

Digital TV Homes (millions) 
  2001  2002  2005  2010 
Asia Pacific 7.7 15.3 76.7 255.6
Europe 25.1 31.4 62.4 126.4
Latin America 4.2 5.8 15.3 42.2
North America 34.8 45.5 78.6 123.4
Total 71.8 98 233 547.6
Source: Informa Media Group

Digital penetration in North America will reach 99% by 2010, though the rates for Europe and Asia Pacific will be more modest, at around 50%. By the end of 2002, the UK will have the highest digital penetration rate, at 44%, but it will fall to nineteenth place by 2010. By 2010, Informa forecasts that digital penetration will exceed 80% of TV households in 10 countries.

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