
118 118 To Sponsor ITV1 Movies

118 118 To Sponsor ITV1 Movies

ITV Logo ITV Customer Relations has announced that 118 118 is to be the new broadcast sponsor of ITV1 movies.

The deal was negotiated by Luciana Limongelli, sponsorship & branded content executive at ITV customer relations, and Cate Murden at OMD UK.

Murden, associate director, OMDFuse, said: “The ITV1 movie package is an ideal opportunity for 118 118 to target each of their core audiences, whilst maintaining stature and supporting the brand personality.

“Moreover genre-specific creative will enable us the opportunity to talk about our specific services too.”

Limongelli said: “We are delighted that 118 118 have come on board to sponsor ITV1 Movies.

“The broad appeal of this package paired up with fantastic movie titles provide 118 118 with the perfect platform to reach their target audience. We look forward to further developing our partnership.”

Last week, ITV swung the axe on its interactive quiz channel ITV Play and announced that it would be replaced with a new channel, ITV2+1 (see ITV Axes Quiz Channel).

This followed an internal review of all of the broadcaster’s interactive services.

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