
30 Million Britons Online, Says Nielsen/Net Ratings

30 Million Britons Online, Says Nielsen/Net Ratings

Web usage in the UK continues to rise apace with the latest findings showing that a further 5 million people went online in the last twelve months.

Research from Nielsen//NetRatings indicates that there are now 16.5 million regular home internet users in the country, an increase from 11 million last year. The total number of people with a web connection has risen by a third to approximately 30 million, equivalent to almost half the population.

There are also signs that the growing popularity of flat rate subscriptions and broadband services is encouraging longer web sessions. UK internet users are now spending 6 hours and 45 minutes online each month, half an hour more than the same time last year.

Nielsen//NetRatings estimates that there are now 241 million home internet users worldwide, an increase of 18% year on year.

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