
5.7 Million Use Mobile Internet In January In UK

5.7 Million Use Mobile Internet In January In UK

The latest study from Telephia and comScore on mobile v PC-based internet usage reveals that 5.7 million people in the UK used a mobile device to go online during January 2007 compared to the 30 million people age 15 or older who accessed the web from a PC (either a home or a work machine).

At 19% of the PC-based internet audience, the UK mobile web market is slightly more developed on a relative basis than the US mobile web market, where 30 million (or 17%) of the 176 million US PC web users accessed the web from a mobile device during the same month.

The research, MobileWeb Metrix, reveals that UK mobile web users under 35 years of age account for 67% of the entire mobile web audience in the UK, whereas the same age segment accounts for 39% of the PC-based internet audience.

Research findings in the US show that those under 35 account for 46 percent of the mobile web audience and 36.5% of the PC-based internet audience.

The study also reveals that 63% of mobile web users in the UK are male, compared to 54% of PC internet users. In the US, 60% of mobile web users are male versus 49% of PC internet users.

Bob Ivins, managing director of comScore Europe, said: “Similar to the Internet 10-15 years ago, men under the age of 35 are the early adopters of new technology and more likely to use mobile devices to access the mobile web than women or men aged over 35.”

Demographic Breakdown of Internet Users – UK & US Audiences 
Unique Visitors, Age 15+, January 2007 
  UK  US 
% Mobile Web Users  % PC Internet Users  Mobile to PC User Index  % Mobile Web Users  % PC Internet Users  Mobile to PC User Index 
Persons Age: 15-24 25.4 20 127 22.2 20.5 108
Persons Age: 25-34 41.4 19.3 215 24.2 16 151
Persons Age: 35-44 18.9 23.8 80 24.4 20.2 120
Persons Age: 45-54 10.7 19.9 54 16.8 18 93
Persons Age: 55-64 2.7 11.2 24 9.7 10.6 92
Persons Age: 65+ 0.8 5.8 14 2.6 5.2 49
Source: comScore/ Telephia MobileWeb Metrix 
*Mobile to PC User Index is defined as the percentage of mobile web users in each age bracket divided by the percentage of PC-based internet users in the same age bracket. Differences in reach % may not be statistically significant.

“The Mobile Web is at an early state of development, but we expect Mobile Web usage to grow as phone performance improves, sites optimise their content for the small screen and operators fine tune their tariffs, enabling consumers to take full advantage of mobile phone capabilities, content and convenience,” Ivins continued.

ComScore and Telephia also revealed the leading sites on the mobile web in both the UK and the US, ranked by unique visitors. Popular PC Internet sites Yahoo!, MSN and Google all featured in the ranking of leading sites on both sides of the Atlantic. BBC and SKY were the leading sites for UK Mobile Web users in January, attracting 2.3 million and 1.2 million unique visitors, respectively.

Leading Mobile Web Sites – UK Audience 
Unique Visitors, Age 15+, January 2007 
  Total Mobile Unique Visitors (000)  % Mobile Reach  PC Unique Visitors (000)  % PC Reach  Mobile to PC Reach Index** 
Total Internet 5,708 100 30,072 100 100
BBC 2,333 40.9 17,554 58.4 70
MSN-Windows Live 1,758 30.8 24,072 80 38
Yahoo! 1,513 26.5 19,660 65.4 41
Google 1,434 25.1 25,804 85.8 29
SKY 1,197 21 6,951 23.1 91
Source: comScore/ Telephia MobileWeb Metrix 
*Does not include operator landing sites such as O2 Active
**Mobile to PC Reach Index for a brand is defined as the brand’s reach among Mobile Web users divided by its reach among PC-based internet users. Differences in reach % may not be statistically significant.
Leading Mobile Web Sites – US Audience 
Unique Visitors, Age 15+, January 2007 
  Total Mobile Unique Visitors (000)  % Mobile Reach  PC Unique Visitors (000)  % PC Reach  Mobile to PC Reach Index** 
Total Internet 29,676 100 175,559 100 100
Yahoo! 15,861 53.4 127,460 72.6 74
MSN-Windows Live 8,961 30.2 97,449 55.5 54
Google 8,817 29.7 107,105 61 49
The Weather Channel 6,594 22.2 35,433 20.2 110
AOL 6,081 20.5 88,738 50.5 41
Source: comScore/Telephia MobileWeb Metrix 
*Does not include operator landing sites
**Mobile to PC Reach Index for a brand is defined as the brand’s reach among mobile Web users divided by its reach among PC-based internet users. Differences in reach % may not be statistically significant.

The Weather Channel and AOL represented additional leading sites among US mobile web users in January, with 6.6 million and 6 million unique visitors, respectively. The Weather Channel in the US has a greater reach via the mobile web than it does via PC-based internet, highlighting how the success of sites that provide content for people on the move by optimising their content for the small screen.

“The advantage that weather, sports and news sites have over other mobile web sites is that they provide up-to-date information that consumers need quickly, anytime and anywhere,” said Kanishka Agarwal, vice president mobile media at Telephia. “As a result, they are being forced to become user-friendly during the early stages of the mobile web, or face the risk that competitors could steal a march on them.”

A recent report from Media Screen said that 5% of US broadband users (approximately five million people) use the mobile internet (see 5% Of US Broadband Users Use Mobile Internet).

In other research, this time from the Online Publishers Association (OPA), it was revealed that the mobile internet is experiencing strong growth as a marketing platform, with consumers watching and acting upon advertisements (see Mobile Internet Becoming Compelling Marketing Platform).

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