
52% Of EU Households Have Internet Access

52% Of EU Households Have Internet Access

Nearly half of all individuals in the European Union used the internet at least once a week in 2006, according to new research from Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities.

Eurostat says that 52% of households had access to the internet during the first quarter of 2006, compared to 48% during the first quarter of 2005, and 32% had a broadband connection, compared to 23% in 2005.

In Q1 2006, 47% of individuals in the EU used the internet at least once a week, whether at home or at any other location.

Household internet access ranged from 23% in Greece to 80% in the Netherlands in Q1, with Denmark (79%), Sweden (77%) and Luxembourg (70%) also recording high proportions of internet access.

Alongside Greece at the bottom end of the scale were Slovakia (27%), Hungary (32%), Lithuania and Portugal (both on 35%).

With regard to broadband connections, the Netherlands again came top, with 66%, whilst Denmark (63%), Finland (53%) and Sweden (51%) also had a high proportion of household broadband connections.

Meanwhile, Leichtman Research Group published a report which revealed that the twenty largest cable and telephone providers in the US acquired over 2.5 million net additional broadband subscribers in the third quarter of 2006 (see Over 2.5 Million Broadband Subscribers Added In US).

Eurostat adds that in Q1 2006, the highest proportions of individuals regularly using the internet were recorded in Sweden (80%), Denmark (78%), the Netherlands (76%) and Finland (71%), and the lowest in Greece (23%), Cyprus (29%), Italy and Portugal (both 31%).

In addition, whilst nearly three quarters of individuals in the EU aged 16 to 24 (73%), and more than half of those aged 25 to 54 (54%), used the internet regularly, only a fifth of those aged 55 to 74 (20%) did so.

Internet access by households and enterprises, 2006** (%) 
  Proportion with internet access  Proportion with Broadband Connection 
Households  Enterprises  Households  Enterprises 
EU25 52 94 32 75
Belgium 52 95 48 84
Czech Republic n/a 95 n/a 69
Denmark 79 98 63 83
Germany 67 95 34 73
Estonia 46 n/a 37 n/a
Greece 23 n/a 4 n/a
Spain 39 93 29 87
France 41 94 30 86
Ireland 50 94 13 61
Italy 40 93 16 70
Cyprus 37 86 12 55
Latvia 42 80 23 59
Lithuania 35 88 19 57
Luxembourg 70 93 44 76
Hungary 32 n/a 22 n/a
Malta n/a n/a n/a n/a
Netherlands 80 97 66 82
Austria 52 98 33 69
Poland 36 89 22 46
Portugal 35 96 24 n/a
Slovenia 54 93 34 75
Slovakia 27 99 11 61
Finland 65 96 53 89
Sweden 77 96 51 89
United Kingdom 63 92 44 77
Iceland 83 99 72 95
Norway 69 94 57 86

Source: Eurostat

Recent research from Nielsen//NetRatings said that the UK’s biggest spenders on online content are 16-24 year olds, averaging £5.34 per month (7pound;64 per year) (see Teens Are Biggest Online Content Spenders).

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