
69% Of Daily Mail Website Users Are Overseas

69% Of Daily Mail Website Users Are Overseas

Person Accessing The Daily Mail Online Overseas users of the websites of the BBC, Guardian, Telegraph, Times, and Daily Mail outnumbered the domestic audience, according to a new study from comScore.

The Daily Mail had the highest proportion of international visitors, with 69% of its 7.6 million visitors originating from outside the UK.

The BBC attracted 59% of its audience internationally, while the Telegraph (57%) and Guardian Media Group (56%) also took more than half their respective audiences from outside the UK.

Only two of the ten sites studied, British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB) and ITV Sites, had less than a quarter of their traffic originate internationally, said comScore.

International Visitor Composition of Selected Leading U.K Traditional Media Brands, Ranked by Total UK Unique Visitors (000), November 2007, Age 15+ Home and Work Locations*
Property Total UK Unique Visitors (000) Total Worldwide Unique Visitors (000) International As % Of Worldwide Traffic**
BBC Sites 18,897 45,967 59%
BSkyB 7,654 9,565 20%
ITV Sites 5,923 7,677 23%
Guardian Media Group 3,666 8,301 56%
TheSun.co.uk 3,321 6,000 45%
Channel 4 3,255 5,234 38%
Telegraph Group Ltd 2,679 6,226 57%
Times Online 2,422 5,390 55%
DailyMail.co.uk 2,369 7,556 69%
Independent.co.uk 899 1,785 50%
* Excludes traffic from computers such as internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs
** International traffic defined as online visitation originating from outside the UK.
Source: comScore

Bob Ivins, EVP of European Markets for comScore, said: “In recent years, UK media companies have been able to acquire significant international audiences by leveraging their brands online.

“The internet is a truly global medium, allowing consumers to easily access content from anywhere in the world. It is critical that publishers and advertisers understand their global franchise – not just their UK audiences.”

The comScore study also shows that several UK TV news media brands experienced online growth during the past year. BBC Sites, the largest property in the study, was up 5% year on year to reach nearly 46 million worldwide unique visitors in November 2007, while ITV Sites grew 37% to 7.7 million, and Channel4 increased 28% to 5.2 million.

There were also increases in traffic to a number of online newspaper sites, including the DailyMail.co.uk (up 153% to 7.6 million visitors) and the Telegraph Group Ltd (up 129% to 6.2 million visitors).

Visitation to Selected Leading UK Traditional Media Brand Sites, Ranked by Total Worldwide Unique Visitors (000)*, Total Worldwide Age 15+ Home and Work Locations*, November 2007 v November 2006
Media Brand Total unique Visitors (000)
Nov-06 Nov-07 % Change
Total Worldwide Internet Audience 736,072 810,779 10%
BBC Sites 43,703 45,967 5%
BSkyB 9,679 9,565 -1%
Guardian Media Group 7,210 8,301 15%
ITV Sites 5,603 7,677 37%
DailyMail.co.uk 2,984 7,556 153%
Telegraph Group Ltd 2,723 6,226 129%
TheSun.co.uk 4,130 6,000 45%
Times Online 4,053 5,390 33%
Channel 4 4,105 5,234 28%
Independent.co.uk 1,625 1,785 10%
* Excludes traffic from public computers such as internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs
Source: comScore

comScore: www.comscore.com

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