
ABCs March 2015: Daily market records slight growth

ABCs March 2015: Daily market records slight growth

After a tough couple of months for the national newspaper market, March has seen period-on-period declines ease up with most titles recording only very small changes in circulation.

However, the year-on-year data shows continuing declines with the daily market down more than half a million copies overall, a -7.6% drop.

In the quality market, only the Financial Times and The Times recorded any growth between February and March 2015. The FT was up 1.4% (almost 3,000 copies), whilst The Times sold an extra 2,000 (up just 0.5%).

However, the year-on-year picture for the FT demonstrates the ongoing plight for most print brands: down -7.4%, the title has witnessed a circulation decrease of more than 17,000 copies. The paper now sells 213,423 issues each day in print.

The i was the worst performer in the quality market, down -1.6% (a drop of almost 4,600 copies). The remaining titles recorded very small changes between -0.1% and -0.7%.

The mid-market remained fairly static in March, as did much of the popular market. It was the Daily Mirror that recorded the strongest gain, up 1.3%, which took it up a significant 11,400 copies.

However, the Mirror’s performance could not stop The Sun from shining. Up only 0.9%, the UK’s best selling daily flogged an extra 15,800 copies, whilst both the Daily Record and the Daily Star saw small declines of -0.9% and -0.3%, respectively.

London Free Press

A 2.3% increase in circulation saw the London Evening Standard add an extra 20,200 copies in March; however, yearly gains seem to finally be slowing after the title increased its print run earlier last year.

Distribution of City A.M., which introduced a new supplement at the end of March, remained fairly flat with a 0.9% period-on-period increase, while Metro (London) recorded no change at all.

Overall the sector was up 1.2% in March thanks to the Evening Standard’s performance, and, in contrast to the declining daily and Sunday markets, remained blissfully static in its yearly circulation.

Sunday Market

Mirroring the daily market, there was minimal change to sales of Sunday titles in March, with the largest decrease in circulation belonging to the Daily Star Sunday at -3.1%.

A small 0.4% increase over the month netted the Sunday Times an extra 3,350 copies, while the Sunday Telegraph added an extra 1,900 after a 0.5% period-on-period increase.

In the mid-market, the Mail on Sunday saw sales decrease by a little over 5,800, while the Sunday Express dropped 6,400 and the Sunday Post 2,100.

While Sun on Sunday sales declined by almost 15,000 in March, it remains the best-selling Sunday title with a circulation of almost 1.5 million.

As usual, the yearly figures reflect a slow and steady decline for all print titles – with the entire Sunday market down -9.7%.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – March 2015
Daily Titles Mar-14 Feb-15 Mar-15 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Total Daily 7,626,000 7,030,403 7,043,220 -582,780 -7.6 12,817 0.2
Daily Telegraph 523,048 479,937 479,290 -43,758 -8.4 -647 -0.1
Financial Times 230,470 210,511 213,423 -17,047 -7.4 2,912 1.4
Guardian 193,228 176,124 174,941 -18,287 -9.5 -1,183 -0.7
i 292,801 278,438 273,853 -18,948 -6.5 -4,585 -1.6
Independent 63,907 59,159 58,751 -5,156 -8.1 -408 -0.7
Times 394,448 389,051 390,962 -3,486 -0.9 1,911 0.5
Mid Market
Daily Express 488,246 448,256 445,245 -43,001 -8.8 -3,011 -0.7
Daily Mail 1,708,006 1,632,748 1,626,322 -81,684 -4.8 -6,426 -0.4
Daily Mirror 962,670 886,390 897,786 -64,884 -6.7 11,396 1.3
Daily Record 222,919 201,891 200,127 -22,792 -10.2 -1,764 -0.9
Daily Star 476,448 425,614 424,453 -51,995 -10.9 -1,161 -0.3
Sun 2,069,809 1,842,284 1,858,067 -211,742 -10.2 15,783 0.9




London Free Press ABC Figures – March 2015
London Free Press Mar-14 Feb-15 Mar-15 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Total London Press 1,775,073 1,753,515 1,774,767 -306 -0.0 21,252 1.2
City A.M 118,287 108,052 108,983 -9,304 -7.9 931 0.9
London Evening Standard 892,993 883,073 903,299 10,306 1.2 20,226 2.3
Metro (London) 763,793 762,390 762,485 -1,308 -0.2 95 0.0


National Newspaper ABC Figures – March 2015
Sunday Titles Mar-14 Feb-15 Mar-15 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Total Sunday 7,286,424 6,637,408 6,581,986 -704,438 -9.7 -55,422 -0.8
Independent On Sunday 100,549 95,903 96,571 -3,978 -4.0 668 0.7
Observer 214,644 195,906 194,054 -20,590 -9.6 -1,852 -0.9
Sunday Times 839,077 787,091 790,442 -48,635 -5.8 3,351 0.4
Sunday Telegraph 418,670 372,417 374,283 -44,387 -10.6 1,866 0.5
Mid Market
Mail On Sunday 1,555,977 1,450,201 1,444,397 -111,580 -7.2 -5,804 -0.4
Sunday Express 423,753 391,339 384,969 -38,784 -9.2 -6,370 -1.6
Sunday Post 208,138 184,854 182,779 -25,359 -12.2 -2,075 -1.1
Daily Star Sunday 292,368 264,371 256,131 -36,237 -12.4 -8,240 -3.1
Sunday People 370,354 335,054 329,757 -40,597 -11.0 -5,297 -1.6
Sun on Sunday 1,686,840 1,489,942 1,474,959 -211,881 -12.6 -14,983 -1.0
Sunday Mail 248,507 219,400 218,463 -30,044 -12.1 -937 -0.4
Sunday Mirror 927,547 850,930 835,181 -92,366 -10.0 -15,749 -1.9




National Newspaper ABC Figures – Oct 2014 – Mar 2015
Daily Titles Oct 13 – Mar 14 Sep 14 – Feb 15 Oct 14 – Mar 15 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Total Daily 7,761,917 7,252,933 7,170,278 -591,639 -7.6 -82,655 -1.1
Daily Telegraph 537,813 493,257 488,032 -49,781 -9.3 -5,225 -1.1
Financial Times 234,833 215,864 215,123 -19,710 -8.4 -741 -0.3
Guardian 199,357 179,344 178,180 -21,177 -10.6 -1,164 -0.6
i 296,069 281,818 279,220 -16,849 -5.7 -2,598 -0.9
Independent 66,368 61,107 60,238 -6,130 -9.2 -869 -1.4
Times 387,027 393,104 391,347 4,320 1.1 -1,757 -0.4
Mid Market
Daily Express 500,418 458,406 453,860 -46,558 -9.3 -4,546 -1.0
Daily Mail 1,741,481 1,663,723 1,650,481 -91,000 -5.2 -13,242 -0.8
Daily Mirror 979,624 921,920 911,295 -68,329 -7.0 -10,625 -1.2
Daily Record 227,892 204,317 202,186 -25,706 -11.3 -2,131 -1.0
Daily Star 494,180 439,319 431,661 -62,519 -12.7 -7,658 -1.7
Sun 2,096,855 1,940,754 1,908,655 -188,200 -9.0 -32,099 -1.7
National Newspaper ABC Figures – Oct 2014 – Mar 2015
Sunday Titles Oct 13 – Mar 14 Sep 14 – Feb 15 Oct 14 – Mar 15 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Total Sunday 7,462,916 6,879,166 6,764,764 -698,152 -9.4 -114,402 -1.7
Independent On Sunday 102,980 98,954 97,814 -5,166 -5.0 -1,140 -1.2
Observer 222,638 198,808 197,524 -25,114 -11.3 -1,284 -0.6
Sunday Times 828,793 799,782 795,236 -33,557 -4.0 -4,546 -0.6
Sunday Telegraph 427,739 386,423 382,164 -45,575 -10.7 -4,259 -1.1
Mid Market
Sunday Express 434,923 402,358 396,680 -38,243 -8.8 -5,678 -1.4
Mail On Sunday 1,591,510 1,478,863 1,465,406 -126,104 -7.9 -13,457 -0.9
Sunday Post 218,812 197,329 191,594 -27,218 -12.4 -5,735 -2.9
Daily Star Sunday. 306,918 274,751 267,069 -39,849 -13.0 -7,682 -2.8
Sunday People 383,070 350,614 342,220 -40,850 -10.7 -8,394 -2.4
Sun on Sunday 1,738,221 1,576,516 1,539,076 -199,145 -11.5 -37,440 -2.4
Sunday Mail 257,668 226,080 222,710 -34,958 -13.6 -3,370 -1.5
Sunday Mirror 949,644 888,688 867,271 -82,373 -8.7 -21,417 -2.4

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