The UK’s Joint Industry Committee for Web Standards (JICWEBS) – the independent body that defines best practice and standards for online ad trading – has announced the next stage in the move to tackle online ad fraud.
JICWEBS’ Anti-Fraud Technical Working Group – involving 30 companies and organisations – has published a report containing an initial set of best practices to reduce the risk of exposure to fraud.
“Publishing these good practice principles – agreed through cross-industry collaboration – is a first, and big step, in reducing the risk of online ad fraud,” said JICWEBS’ chairman Richard Foan.
“We aim to follow this with more information about the various types of fraud as well as reviewing companies that claim to apply the principles with the clear aim of promoting best-practice for all.”
Companies meeting these industry-agreed standards will receive the JICWEBS seal confirming their processes further reduce the risk of fraudulent ads being served, which is anticipated to happen in the second half of 2015.
Daniel Creed, marketing strategy & planning, Santander, said: “Tackling digital ad fraud is one of the most complex challenges currently facing advertisers. Gaining a better understanding of the issue is vital.
“So, JICWEBS’ cross-industry Anti-Fraud Working Group helping educate and advise media buyers on best practices to minimise the risk of fraud impacting their campaigns, is well received.”
Tim Cain, the AOP’s managing director, added: “Dealing with the fraud topic has got to be a key initiative for the premium digital publishing community to support, and the AOP is keen to work alongside the industry in developing this initiative through JICWEBS.”
The full set of guidelines can be found here.