
ABC Online: Independent loses a fifth of traffic in December

ABC Online: Independent loses a fifth of traffic in December

The festive season took its toll on the majority of online newsbrands, with five out of the six reporting titles losing traffic in December – some much more than others.

The Independent led that charge with a 21.8% decline, shedding almost 1.25 million unique browsers a day compared with the previous month.

Meanwhile, the Evening Standard was down -12.5%, MailOnline down -10.9%, the Sun down -7.5% and Trinity Mirror Group Digital down -1.29%.

Only the Metro increased its web traffic over the period, with a 4.8% boost securing an extra 99,400 visitors a day.

Note: The majority of regional based sites have stopped reporting after not renewing their ABC licence.

ABC online newspapers – Dec 2017
Site Dec 17 daily average unique browsers Nov 17 daily average unique browsers Actual change % change
MailOnline 12,431,759 13,954,918 -1,523,159 -10.91
Trinity Mirror Group – Digital 8,896,791 9,013,012 -116,221 -1.29
The Sun 4,958,205 5,358,018 -399,813 -7.46
The Independent 4,463,969 5,711,605 -1,247,636 -21.84
Metro 2,161,391 2,062,024 99,367 4.82
Evening Standard 741,404 847,549 -106,145 -12.52

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