JCDecaux UK has beaten off stiff competition to win a 10-year contract to provide double-sided digital advertising across Manchester City centre.
The contract, awarded by Manchester City Council, will see JCDecaux UK develop, maintain and sell out-of-home advertising across 172 six-sheet digital screens, located on 86 city centre Community Information Panels (CIP).
Each double-sided CIP will carry a blend of commercial advertising and public service messaging across 86-inch digital screens.
The CIPs will feature logos of Manchester City Council and the Manchester bee. They will be powered by renewable energy and maintained by technicians driving electric vehicles to limit carbon emissions.
Chris Collins, Co-CEO of JCDecaux UK, said, “We look forward to developing our partnership with Manchester City Council further through this best-in-class new digital street furniture that will support vital community and environmental initiatives in Manchester.
“This contract underlines the power of the public screen to enhance life in cities. The Community Information Panels will enable Manchester City Council to meet their sustainability and communication goals and provide an outstanding media channel for national and local brands in this dynamic and future-facing city.”
For every CIP installed, JCDecaux has pledged to plant five new trees and will provide a community fund to support the Greater Manchester Mayor’s charity ‘A bed every night’ initiation to help end the need for rough sleeping.
JCDecaux will also provide apprenticeships and work placements in Manchester to help students and the unemployed.
Councillor Nigel Murphy, deputy leader of Manchester City Council, said: “We welcome the appointment of JCDecaux as one of the city’s media partners following a competitive process and some extremely high-quality bids. We look forward to working with them to bring modern infrastructure and new digital screens to Manchester city centre.
“JCDecaux has a long history of working in Manchester and has shown a strong understanding of our vision, with a desire to support our work across a range of environmental and social impact projects – including our commitment to becoming a zero-carbon city by 2038.”