Maximum Effort Productions, co-founded in 2018 by Ryan Reynolds and George Dewey, has entered into a multi-year, multi-pronged partnership with FuboTV that includes a first-look deal for unscripted content.
As part of the deal, Maximum Effort will also launch and maintain creative control over Maximum Effort Network, a new linear channel on FuboTV, while FuboTV will manage ad sales for the channel.
As consideration for the deal, Maximum Effort will also receive equity from FuboTV.
FuboTV is a “sports-first” live TV streaming platform that launched in 2015.
Reynolds and actor Rob McElhenny of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia fame bought Welsh football club Wrexham AFC in 2020, and a documentary about the team co-produced by Maximum Effort will premiere later this month.
Read more: 9 things we learned from Ryan Reynolds at Cannes Lions