Talking Poster Campaign To Promote Sensible Drinking

Responsible drinking organisation, The Portman Group, is launching an ambient media campaign that will use talking posters in pub toilets to promote sensible drinking.
The posters, which are part of the ‘If you do do drink, don’t do drunk’ campaign, will be displayed in 200 pub toilets up and down the country. Designed to surprise and amuse pub-goers, they are motion sensitive and will talk to anyone who walks past.
The campaign will run for a month and is designed to add an element of humour to a serious message. Recent research from The Portman Group shows that a million young adults drink to get drunk every week.
Commenting on the initiative, Jean Coussins, chief executive of The Portman Group, said: “Talking posters give a new slant to the expression ‘toilet humour’ and we want them to surprise and engage people and to make them think about their drinking. We want people to enjoy their night out, but not to drink so much that they get into trouble.”
She continued: “The ‘If you do do drink, don’t do drunk’ campaign has already taken the anti-drunkenness message to hundreds of thousands of 18-24 year olds up and down this country and millions more will see the new posters. Encouraging people to drink responsibly is important for everyone, and we believe that talking posters will get people to listen!”
The British Medical Association’s recent calls to ban alcohol advertising in an attempt to combat the rising levels of binge drinking among young people, have been met with fierce opposition from the drinks industry (see Call For Ban On Alcohol Advertising Meets Stiff Opposition).
Portman Group: 020 7907 3700
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