
Nielsen//NetRatings Rolls Out Online Intelligence System

Nielsen//NetRatings Rolls Out Online Intelligence System

Nielsen//NetRatings has secured Norwich Union Life Direct as the first brand to use its new AdIntelligence service, which allows advertisers to asses the success of banner, pay-per-click and email marketing as part of their online promotional campaigns.

The new service claims to be able to provide Norwich Union with a complete overview of its online activity including the number of adverts viewed, the number of emails opened and the subsequent response, whether it be a click-though, or an online quote, or an application.

In addition to tracking campaigns down to result level, AdIntelligence also enables users to track every user journey across their sites. This enables advertisers to identify how different users from their site portfolio interact with them.

Commenting on the initiative, Tom Hine, Norwich Union Life Direct online campaign manager, said: “AdIntelligence has enabled Norwich Union to become very proactive in the management of its relationships with media agencies, and has given us the ability to instantly assess the success of all types of online promotional campaigns.”

He added: “The service gives us, as a marketing team, the ability to gain a more accurate understanding of the success of different advertising formats and creatives as immediately as the day after the advertisements were posted. This means that decisions and improvements can be made without delay, therefore maximising our revenue potential for each campaign.”

Earlier this year i-level, the independently-owned digital agency, launched an online rating points system that allows marketers to compare the reach of their online advertising campaigns with their traditional media activity. The system uses exactly the same methodology as rating points for television and tells advertisers what proportion of the available online audience their campaign has reached during its life-span (see i-level Launches Online Rating Points System).

Nielsen/NetRatings: 01865 732 388 www.nielsennetratings.com

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